Hard seat, or regular seat, is a kind of seating style on China's regular speed trains which include 4-digit number trains, K trains, L trains, T trains, Y trains and Z trains. The high speed bullet trains including C trains, D trains and G trains have second class seats that use similar unsoft cushions. Hard seat is one of the most popular seat accommodations on China regular trains. Some regular train may not have sleeper coaches while hard seat coaches are available on almost all trains. Hard seat has the least comfort while the lowest price, it's widely acceptable among ordinary Chinese people. Back angle for hard seat is not adjustable. It is discomfortable for long time sitting and best time to spend with hard seat is less than 4 hours.
Main Content List:On the regular train, hard seat coach is numbered as YZ and commonly used coach classes are YZ25G, YZ25K, YZ25Z, YZ25T, SYZ25B and SYZ25K. Capacity differs with coach classes. Most coaches have 108 seats each, while some have 128 seats. The two-level coaches even have 174 seats each. Inside the coach, most seats are arranged in 3+2 configuration while seats at the ends of the coach are arranged in 2+2 configuration.
☝ Photo HST-1. An interior photo of Hard Seat Coach on T151/T152 Beijing-Xining Train.
Hard seat coach features:
☝ Photo HST-2. An Overcrowded Hard Seat Coach.
Soft seat is not a commonly used arrangement on China regular trains. In another word, only a few regular trains in China have soft seats. Differences between the hard seat and the soft seat are:
☝ A Restaurant Car on China's Regular Train.
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