☝ Shangri La Railway Station Photo
🔍 Name: Shangri La Railway Station or Shangri La Train Station
🔎 Chinese Name: 香格里拉站、香格里拉火车站
📨 Address: Shangri La, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
📧 Chinese Address:云南迪庆香格里拉境内
🚉 Numbers of Platforms: 2 platforms
🚄 Numbers of Tracks: 4 tracks
➀ classfication: second class station
🔣 TMIS Code: not available yet
☎ Telephone: not available yet
🕐 Expected Opening Date: July 1st, 2021
🕑 Opening Hours: not available yet
Shangri La has the terminal station on Lijiang-Shangri La (Lixiang) Railway. The station was started construction in August 2014 and it is to be completed in the middle of 2021.
The station building, with the construction area of 9956.6 square meters and the height of 22 meters, has two floors above ground and one floor below ground. It has the waiting room in the central area, ticketing hall in the the left area, arrival hall and baggage claim zone in the right area.
The high speed bullet train shortens travel times from Shangri La to Lijiang from 4 hours to 1 hour and Shangri La to Kunming from 10 hours to 4 hours.
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