China Train Guide

Qufu Railway Station

Qufu Railway Station Photo
Qufu Railway Station Photo

Address & Contact Details

🔍 Name: Qufu Railway Station
🔎 Chinese Name: 曲阜站、曲阜火车站
📨 Address: East Kuiquan Road, Qufu
📧 Chinese Address: 曲阜市逵泉东路
☎ Telephone: 0086-537-3991516. Please note, the operator may speak Chinese only.
🕐 Opening Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Public Transportation & Transfer Guide

Still have to travel from Qufu Railway Station to some other places such as some bus station, the airport, some hotel, some university, some scenic area or even a factory of the city and don't know how to go there? Please submit your question through the following comment box to get the fast answer. By leveraging our expertise in public transporation industry, we provide cost effective transfer solution free of charge!
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China Train Guide can also arrange train station or airport pickup and drop off services. Should you need such service, you can feel free to contact us for quotation.


Leonis · July 24, 2024

Hello, I unfortunately have lost my student card on one of the officer's desks when I travelled to Qufu yesterday. Is there an email I could write to, so that I might get the card back via post? I will stay in Beijing for the next two weeks.
Leonis Krude

Tundekabodi · May 31, 2024


I have a query.
I'm a student in a Kung Fu School. I am learning tia chi with a practice broadsword. I need to go to Beijing from Qufu on the high-speed train. The kungfu school can provide a certificate which sate that the broadsword is for training purposes.

Is this certificate will be accessed on high-speed train to transport my sword to Beijing?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Tunde Kabodi

Elinorzhu (mod) · June 1, 2024

I don't have the answer for you and you will have to go to the station to consult this.


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