China Train Guide

Qinghe Railway Station

Qinghe Railway Station Photo
Qinghe Railway Station Photo

Address & Contact Details

🔍 Name: Qinghe Railway Station
🔎 Chinese Name: 清河站
📨 Address: Crossroads of East Shangdi Road and the Fifth Shangdi Street, Haidian District, Beijing
📧 Chinese Address:北京市海淀区上地东路与上地五街交叉口
☎ Telephone: 0086-10-12306. Please note, the operator may speak Chinese only.
🕐 Opening Hours: 5:30 am to 11:00 pm, Monday to Sunday. Opening hours may change over time and we may not be able to update it on time. Please tell us in case you find information provided here is incorrect.

Public Transportation & Transfer Guide

Still have to travel from Qinghe Railway Station to some other places such as some bus station, the airport, some hotel, some university, some scenic area or even a factory of the city and don't know how to go there? Please submit your question through the following comment box to get the fast answer. By leveraging our expertise in public transporation industry, we provide cost effective transfer solution free of charge!
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China Train Guide can also arrange train station or airport pickup and drop off services. Should you need such service, you can feel free to contact us for quotation.


Anita · Dec 26, 2024

At Qinghe railway station we tried to enter the gate at 5B, we couldn't enter with our passports. There wasn't a sign on where passport holders could enter. The one assistant there was overwhelmed and couldn't provide any guidance on where to line up or enter. I wish the station could put up a sign where passport holders can enter to avoid the drama we caused. My family of 4 were standing there with me while I asked the one staff member about where we could enter, some angy man thought we were trying to cut the line and he tapped my shoulder to shoe me out of the way. That was unnecessary. I'd love to convey some constructive feedback to the station.

Natalii · Aug 3, 2023

How do I get to Tiananmen Square from Badalin Railway Station? What is the fastest option? Thank you in advance!

Elinorzhu (mod) · Aug 4, 2023

take the train from Badaling to Beijing as you can see on this web page
Upon arrival to Beijing Railway Station, you can take bus or metro to get to Tiananmen.


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